Moderation API

Live Shopping SDK comes with out-of-box moderation features such as

  1. Pin/Unpin comments during Live streams
  2. Mute/Un Mute users from commenting during live streams

Pin/Un-Pin comments during Live Stream


Pin Comment

A pinned comment/message is just a chat message (normal message, like message, share message, etc ) with type MESSAGE_TYPE_HOST_PINNED_MESSAGE. During a live stream, host can choose a message and pin it. To pin a message, use BlsLiveStreamManager.pinChatMessage(ChatMessageModel).

The result will be reported to this callback:

onMessageUpdateResult(chatMessage: ChatMessage?, updateType: Int, resultCode: Int)

chatMessage: The message that is getting updated. updateType: For pinning a message, it is always ChatMessageUpdateType.PIN resultCode: If the message is pinned successfully, this code will be, otherwise it will be

Un-Pin Comment

To unpin a message, use BlsLiveStreamManager.unpinChatMessage(). This will unpin the previous pinned message.

The result will be reported to this callback:

onMessageUpdateResult(chatMessage: ChatMessage?, updateType: Int, resultCode: Int)

chatMessage: It will be null updateType: For unpinning a message, it is always ChatMessageUpdateType.UNPIN resultCode: If the message is unpinned successfully, this code will be, otherwise it will be


The Belive SDK allows 1 pinned message at a time per stream. Calling pinChatMessage API will override the previous pinned message (if any).

Pin/Unpin Comment at viewer side

Viewer side will receive Pin/Unpin message updates in real time through this callback. This is also applicable for viewers who joined stream after a messages has been pinned by Host.

onMessageUpdateResult(chatMessage: ChatMessage?, updateType: Int, resultCode: Int)

chatMessage: The pinned message data or null if it is unpin type. updateType: ChatMessageUpdateType.PIN, ChatMessageUpdateType.UNPIN or ChatMessageUpdateType.PIN_MESSAGE_RESET resultCode: It is always ERR_CODE_OK

Recorded Streams

For recorded stream, pin/unpin messages is also recorded and the onMessageUpdateResult is called correctly with the stream timeline. Because the recorded stream can be seeked, the Belive SDK will trigger onMessageUpdateResult with ChatMessageUpdateType.PIN_MESSAGE_RESET updateType if there is no pin/unpin message at the current seeked position.


Pin Comment

For host to pin a comment/message. call following function.

BeLiveBroadcasterManager.sendPinnedMessage(message: BLStreamMessage, completion: BLMessageCompletion)

Un-Pin Comment

For host to un-pin a comment/message, call following functions.

BeLiveBroadcasterManager.sendUnpinnedMessage(completion: BLMessageCompletion)

Pin/Unpin Comment at viewer side

For Viewers to receive pin/unpin message, SDK provides following callbacks

BeLiveAudienceManagerMessageDelegate.beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didPinMessage message: BLStreamMessage)
BeLiveAudienceManagerMessageDelegate.beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didUnpinMessage message: BLStreamMessage)

For Viewer to get current pin message when entering stream, use following SDK function. Same method can be used for recorded streams

BLStreamService.getPinnedMessage(slug: String)


Viewer side will receive Pin/Unpin message updates in real time through RTM message callback function onReceiveMessages. You can filter our msgJson based on messageType : BeliveSdk.MESSAGE_TYPE.HOST_PINNED_MESSAGE.

For new viewers who join the live stream after host has pinned message, they can use SDK Viewer Method: getPinnedMessage to retrieve it. For viewers, who join recorded stream, they can use same method SDK Viewer Method: getPinnedMessage to get pinned message during live stream.

Mute/Un Mute users from commenting during live stream

Mute and unmute feature is avilable via Live Shopping CMS. To complete flow, our SDKs provide real-time callbacks for taking action immediately during live streams. Refer to below APIs.


Mute and Unmute user

When a user is muted via CMS, Android SDK will trigger following callback method.

 override fun onMuteStatusChanged(isMuted: Boolean) {
        if (isMuted) {
            // hide comment box
        } else {
           // un-hide comment

For viewers who re-enter stream after being muted, you can check status in stream model parameter isMute.


Mute user

When a user is muted via CMS, SDK will trigger following callback method of BeLiveAudienceManagerDelegate for viewers.

 func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didMuteMessage message: BLStreamMessage)

We suggest to hide comment box so that user is unable to send comment.

Un-mute user

CMS also provides option to un-mute users, SDK will trigger following callback method of BeLiveAudienceManagerDelegate for viewers.

func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didUnMuteMessage message: BLStreamMessage)

We suggest to un-hide comment box so that user is able to send comment.

For viewers who re-enter stream after being muted, you can check status in stream model parameter isMute.