Streaming Configuration

Stream ingest

Codec : BeLive SDK supports H.264 for video and AAC (LC) for audio


BeLive SDK provides following recommended settings for SD and HD quality. API for both SD and HD qualities are readily available.

Parameter Quality (SD) (540x960) Quality (HD) (720x1280)
Bitrate 1000 Kbps 1500 Kbps
FPS 20 24
Keyframe Interval Adjustable (2.0 default) Adjustable (2.0 default)

Network Requirements

You must have a stable internet connection that can maintain an adequate, constant upload stream. We strongly suggest to allocate 50% more bandwidth than the minimum required. For SD Stream of 1000 Kbps, at-least 1500 kbps (1.5 Mbps) upload speed is required because overhead is added to compensate for the bitrate fluctuations.