SDK Guide for iOS

The BeLive iOS SDK provides the interfaces required to broadcast and playback on iPhone devices along with interactive features.

The following operations are supported

• Set up (initialize) SDK

• Manage live broadcasting

• Watch live stream

• Watch Recorded stream

• Manage Live Shopping

• Like Stream

Latest version of iOS SDK: 1.0.0

Release Notes

Release - June 7, 2022

  • Expose function to set player scaling mode setScalingMode(_ mode: BLPlayerScaleMode) Set aspectFill for full screen. Default mode is aspectFit

Release - May 20, 2022

  • Upgrade 3rd party libraries
  • Removed un-necessary permissions from Sample plist
  • Reduce size of Audience Framework

Getting Started


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 13.0
  • BeLiveCore, BeLiveBroadcaster and BeLiveAudience frameworks

Install the SDK

BeLive SDK for iOS supports both Cocoapods and Carthage. Follow instructions below to install SDK

You can use CocoaPods to install BeLive SDK by adding following to your Podfile

platform :ios, '11.0'
    target 'BeliveSample' do
     # Core
    pod 'BeLiveCore', :path => '../framework/BeLiveCore'

    # Audience
    pod 'BeLiveAudience', :path => '../framework/BeLiveAudience'

    # Broadcaster
    pod 'BeLiveBroadcaster', :path => '../framework/BeLiveBroadcaster'
    # we have to specify correct ksy version because we can't set this in podspec
    pod 'libksygpulive', :git => '', :tag => 'v3.0.5'

Take note about framework folder which contains podspec files and xcframework

Each of the podspec file have their dependencies added in respective files.

Run pod install . Open your xcworkspace and import BeLive SDK. If you want to use Audience/Viewer only, then you can skip adding BeLiveBroadcaster framework and required libraries.

import UIKit
import BeLiveCore
import BeLiveAudience
import BeLiveBroadcaster

Alternative Approach (Carthage)

  1. Extract the contents of the framework. There will be three BeLivexcframeworks : BeLiveCore.xcframework, BeLiveAudience.xcframework and BeLiveBroadcaster.xcframwork as well as third party xcframeworks which should be added too.
  2. Embed all xcframework by dragging it into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section of the General tab for your application target.

Start your first live stream

Before starting or playing back live stream, SDK must be initialized with license.json file. Obtain license file from business team by providing your app’s bundle Id.

Step 1: Initialize SDK

First step is to verify license key and expiry time of SDK. Add license.json file in root directory which you have obtained from our business developement team. We have provided one such file in sample app with 14 days validity. Add following code in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions of AppDelegate or viewDidLoad of ViewController.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions 
    launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Init BeLive SDK with demo environment
            environment: .demo
        // Custom environment.
        // let customEnv = BLEnvironmentConfiguration.init(apiDomain: "")
        // BeLiveSDK.shared.initWith(environment: .custom(customEnv))
        return true

For SDK testing, use demo environment. For production environment, apiDomain will be provided.

Nest step is to login which essentially is creating a session with Belive backend. There is slight difference between Host login and Viewer Login. Note that host login accounts are pre-generated while viewer accounts can be created using SDK’s SSO Login API.

Access BeLive API Services from BeLiveSDK singleton functions

User Services


/// Access to current user after logging in.
/// Whenver you call login API, current user will be saved.
/// Whenver you call logout API, current user will be logged out.

/// Check login status

/// Check is guest user

/// Log-in as HOST/Broadcaster
/// - Parameters:
///   - beliveId: ID of User
///   - password: Password of User
///   - deviceUdid: Udid of device
///   - deviceType: Type of device (Android is 0, iOS is 1)
///   - latitude: Latitute of device (optional)
///   - longitude: Longitute of device (optional)
///   - completion: Result of User
func login(beliveId: String, 
                  password: String, 
                  deviceUdid: String, 
                  deviceType: Int, 
                  latitude: Double, 
                  longitude: Double,
                  completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<BLUser>) -> Void

/// Log-in as Viewer
/// - Parameters:
///   - beliveId: ID of User
///   - displayName: Display name of User
///   - deviceUdid: Udid of device
///   - deviceType: Type of device (Android is 0, iOS is 1)
///   - latitude: Latitute of device (optional)
///   - longitude: Longitute of device (optional)
///   - completion: Result of User
func loginBeLive(beliveId: String, 
                  displayName: String, 
                  latitude: Double, 
                  longitude: Double,
                  deviceUdid: String, 
                  deviceType: Int, 
                  completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<BLUser>) -> Void

/// Log-in as Guest user
/// - Parameters:
///   - deviceUdid: Udid of device
///   - completion: Result of User
func loginGuest(deviceUdid: String, 
                  completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<BLUser>) -> Void)

/// Log-out user
/// - Parameters:
///   - completion: Result of Bool
func logoutBeLive(completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<Bool>) -> Void)

Host / Broadcaster Login

            beliveId: "beliveId",
            password: "password",
            deviceUdid: "deviceUdid",
            latitude: 0,
            longitude: 0
        ) { [weak self] result in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            switch result {
            case .ok:
                DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                    guard let self = self else { return }
                    // setUpUI()
            case .error(error: let error):

Viewer Login (SSO Login with unique userId and displayName)

            beliveId: "beliveId",
            displayName: "displayName",
            deviceUdid: "deviceUdid",
            latitude: 0,
            longitude: 0
        ) { [weak self] result in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            switch result {
            case .ok:
                DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                    guard let self = self else { return }
                    // setUpUI()
            case .error(error: let error):

Guest Login

BeLiveSDK.shared.userService().loginGuest(deviceUdid: "deviceUdid")
        {[weak self ] result in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            switch result {
            case .ok:
                DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                    guard let self = self else { return }
                    // setUpUI()
            case .error(error: let error):


 BeLiveSDK.shared.userService().logoutBeLive() {
            [weak self ] result in
                guard let self = self else { return }

Step 2 : Register broadcast delegates and set config


  • Broadcast Manager : BeLiveBroadcasterManager
  • Live Chat Delegate : BeLiveBroadcasterManagerMessageDelegate
  • Live Broadcast Delegate : BeLiveBroadcasterStreamKitDelegate
// init BeLive Broadcaster Manager
let broadcasterManager = BeLiveBroadcasterManager(renderView: previewView)
broadcasterManager?.messageDelegate = self
broadcasterManager?.streamKitDelegate = self
broadcasterManager?.setMaxKeyInterval(value: 2.0)

Broadcast configuration

API Description
setStreamQuality Two available options for Stream Quality are and BLStreamQuality.hd
setMaxKeyInterval For lower end-to-end latency, set maxKeyInterval to 1F.


BroadcastView controller should implement below delegates to receive state updates about chat and broadcast session

/// BeLive Broadcaster Manager Message Delegate
public protocol BeLiveBroadcasterManagerMessageDelegate: AnyObject {
    func beLiveBroadcasterManagerDidJoinStreamChannel(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, didFailToJoinStreamChannel error: String)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager,didReceivePeerMessage message: BLStreamMessage)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, didReceiveStreamMessage message: BLStreamMessage)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, userJoined userId: String)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, userLeft userId: String)

/// BeLive Broadcaster Manager Stream Kit Delegate
public protocol BeLiveBroadcasterStreamKitDelegate: AnyObject {
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamDidCreate stream: BLStream)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamDidBegin stream: BLStream)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamDidEnd endStream: BLEndStream, withReason reason: String?)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamError error: Error)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamStatisticDidUpdate statistic: BLStreamStatistic)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, stateDidChange state: BLStreamState)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, netStateCodeDidChange state: BLNetStateCode)
    /// In the Trial SDK. The host can only stream for 15 minutes.
    func beLiveBroadcasterManagerLimitation(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager)

Step 3 : Request Permissions;

Before start live stream, camera and microphone permissions are required. Your app must request permission to access the user’s camera and mic. (This is not specific to BeLive SDK; it is required for any application that needs access to cameras and microphones.)

switch AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) {
    case .authorized: // permission already granted.
    case .notDetermined:
    AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { granted in
    // permission granted based on granted bool.
    case .denied, .restricted: // permission denied.
    @unknown default: // permissions unknown.

You need to do this for both .video and .audio. You also need to add entries for NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to your Info.plist. Otherwise, your app will not work when trying to request permissions.

This is optional but recommended. It prevents your device from going to sleep while using the broadcast SDK, which would interrupt the broadcast.

override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
  UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
   UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = false

Step 4 : Start Live Broadcast Session

SDK requires stream title as mandatory field to start stream.


public func createStream(title: String, coverImage: UIImage?, completion: @escaping ((BLStream?, Error?) -> Void))
public func beginStream() 
public func beginObsStream()

fun startLiveBroadcast() {
        let obs = false
        self.broadcasterManager?.createStream(title: title, coverImage: self.viewModel.input?.coverImage.value, completion: 
        { [weak self] stream, error in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            if let error = error {
               // Error occured while creating stream.

            // Create stream success
            if isOBS {

                // copy stream slug (which is stream key for Broadcasting software)
                // After starting stream with OBS, call the below method to begin obs stream 
            } else {
                // Begin normal stream 

At this moment, SDK supports only portrait stream. Following delegate method will be called for stream status.

Stream created succesfully

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamDidCreate stream: BLStream) {
       // stream created successfully

Stream began succesfully

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamDidBegin stream: BLStream) {
        // Stream began successfully - Update UI 

Streaming server connection status

Connected state indicates that streaming server is getting stream data from mobile client

Note : Below delegate will not be called in case of OBS streaming

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, 
    stateDidChange state: BLStreamState) {
        switch state {
        case .idle:
            BLLog.s("BLStream Kit Idle")
        case .connecting:
            BLLog.s("BLStream Kit Connecting")
        case .connected:
            BLLog.s("BLStream Kit Connected")
            // live stream started
        case .disconnecting:
            BLLog.s("BLStream Kit Disconnecting")
        case .error(let code):
            BLLog.e("BLStream Kit Error Code: \(code)")

Stream error

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamError error: Error) {
        // Error while starting stream

At the same time, host is connected to live chat channel. Refer to below delegate methods for success and failure case

func beLiveBroadcasterManagerDidJoinStreamChannel(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager) {


func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, didFailToJoinStreamChannel error: String) {
    print("didFailToJoinStreamChannel :\(error)")

Step 5 : Stop Live Broadcast Session


public func endStream(slug: String, 
    completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<BLEndStream>) -> Void)


func endStream() {


Follow delegate method will be called for end stream status

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamDidEnd endStream: BLEndStream, withReason reason: String?) {


Step 6 : Save Stream


public func recordStream(completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)


self.broadcasterManager?.recordStream(completion: { [weak self] error in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            if let error = error {
                // error while recording stream

You can release broadcast session by calling following method


Step 7 : Send and Receive Chat message

BeLive SDK provides ability to live chat. Refer to following API for sending live chat message.

func sendChatMessage() {
    self.broadcasterManager?.sendChatMessage(content: "string".censored(),
            completion: { 
                [weak self] message in
                guard let self = self else { return }
                DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                    guard let self = self, let message = message else {
                        print("Failed to send message! Please try again")
                // update UI

Following delegate methods are called when host receives new chat message from other viewers or admin.

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, didReceivePeerMessage message: BLStreamMessage) {
        self.receiveNewMessage(message: message)

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, didReceiveStreamMessage message: BLStreamMessage) {
        self.receiveNewMessage(message: message)
func receiveNewMessage(message: BLStreamMessage)  {
    switch message.messageType {
        case BLMessageType.message.rawValue, BLMessageType.share.rawValue:
            // normal chat message or share message
        case BLMessageType.viewerJoined.rawValue:
            // like message type
        case BLMessageType.adminStop.rawValue:
            print("Your live has been removed due to poor content")
            // force close live stream

Step 8 : Receive statistics updates

BeLive SDK updates view counts and like counts every 30 seconds.

Refer to following BeLiveBroadcasterStreamKitDelegate callback for receiving updates.

func beLiveBroadcasterManager(kit: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, streamStatisticDidUpdate statistic: BLStreamStatistic) {
        // Promo code
        // Promo code description

Step 9 : Start OBS Stream (Optional)

Refer to step 4 (Start Live Broadcast Session) for more details.

Utility Methods

Switch Camera

Use following method to switch between front and back camera.


You can check which camera is active by using below boolean

let isFrontCamera = self.broadcasterManager?.isFrontCamera

Enable beautyfilter

Enable or disable beauty filter using following methods


You can check whether beauty filter is enabled by using below boolean

let isBeautyEnable =  self.broadcasterManager?.isBeautyEnable 

Watch your first live stream;

Summary of the classes for Viewer:

  • View/Watch Stream Manager class : BeLiveAudienceManager
  • Audience Manager callbacks : BeLiveAudienceManagerDelegate
  • Player Callbacks : BeLiveAudienceManagerPlayerDelegate
  • Live Chat callbacks : BeLiveAudienceManagerMessageDelegate

Refer to Initialize SDK (Viewer) section for initializing and create a session with BeLive API before proceeding to next step. You must login first before proceeding to next step.

Step 1 : Register Stream playback delegates

var viewerManager: BeLiveAudienceManager?
func setupView() {
    // Init BeLive Audience Viewer Manager
    self.viewerManager = BeLiveAudienceManager(renderView: self.playerView, slug: slug)
    self.viewerManager?.delegate = self // BeLiveAudienceManager delegate
    self.viewerManager?.playerDelegate = self // BeLiveAudienceManagerPlayerDelegate
    self.viewerManager?.messageDelegate = self // BeLiveAudienceManagerMessageDelegate

Note that playerView is the UIView where you want to show video. Make sure that your View Controller has implemented above mentioned delegates. slug is the stream slug.

Step 2 : Join Stream with slug

To join stream, you need unique stream slug which is generated for each stream. In Step 1 above, we have initiated join stream process. Following delegate method will be called with stream object.

func beliveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didJoinStream stream: BLStream) {
     print("Did join stream successfully")

Following delegate methods are called to indicated that first video frame has loaded (Playback started) otherwise an error will be thrown with playerDidFailWithError callback.

func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, 
                    player: BLPlayerKit, 
                    playerStateDidChange state: BLPlayerKitState) {

    switch state {
        case .ready, .playing:
            // Playback has started
        case .idle, .stopped, .ended:
            // Playback state changed

func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, 
                    player: BLPlayerKit, 
                    playerDidFailWithError error: Error?) {
    if let error = error {

At the same time, viewer is connected to live chat channel. Refer to below BeLiveAudienceManagerMessageDelegate callbacks.

/// Successfully joined chat channel
func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didJoinStreamChannel joinedMessage: BLStreamMessage) {
    self.receiveNewMessage(message: joinedMessage)  // Refer to step 4 for example of receiveNewMessage function

/// Failed to join chat channel 
func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didFailToJoinStreamChannel error: String) {

Step 3 : Leave Stream

Refer to below method for leaving stream.

func leaveStream() {

        // BLPIP.shared.dismiss(animation: true) // Dismiss picture-in-picture view.

BeLive SDK will internally release resources when you call leaveStream method

Step 4 : Send and Receive Chat message

BeLive SDK provides ability to live chat. Refer to following API for sending live chat message.

func sendChatMessage() {
    self.viewerManager?.sendChatMessage(content: content.censored()) 
    { [weak self] message in
        guard let self = self else { return }
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                guard let self = self, let message = message else { return }
                 // update UI

Following delegate methods are called when host receives new chat message from other viewers or admin.

func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didReceivePeerMessage message: BLStreamMessage) {
        self.receiveNewMessage(message: message)

func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didReceiveStreamMessage message: BLStreamMessage) {
        self.receiveNewMessage(message: message)

// Parse messages based on their message types 
func receiveNewMessage(message: BLStreamMessage)  {
    switch message.messageType {
        case BLMessageType.message.rawValue, BLMessageType.share.rawValue:
            // normal chat message or share message
        case BLMessageType.viewerJoined.rawValue:
            // like message type

Step 5 : Receive statistics update

Refer to didUpdateStatistic callback of BeLiveAudienceManagerDelegate.

func beliveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didUpdateStatistic message: BLStatisticMessage) {
        self.lastStatisticMessage = message
        DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
            guard let self = self else { return }

            self.viewCountLabel.text = String(message.totalViewers ?? 0) // view count
            self.likeCountLabel.text = String(message.totalLikes ?? 0) // like count

            self.promotionCodeLabel.text = self.lastStatisticMessage?.promoCode // promo code update
            self.promotionCodeDescriptionLabel.text = self.lastStatisticMessage?.promoCodeDescription // promo code description

            // Average bitrate and max bitrate
            self.bitrate = message.bitRate
            self.maxBitrate = message.maxBitRate

Step 6 : Handle Stream ended by Host

In case live stream is ended by host, viewer will receive following callback

func beliveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didEndStreamWith reason: BLStreamEndReason, streamStatistic: BLStreamStatistic) {

    // Update UI and get final stream statistics from streamStatistic object.


Step 7 : Recorded video playback

SDK supports utility methods for playback of recorded stream. stream.status for recorded streams will be 2 and isRecorded field will be true . Refer to below API

/// Player
self.viewerManager?.play() /// Play stream
self.viewerManager?.pause() /// Pause stream
self.viewerManager?.stop() /// Stop stream
// Seek to a time of stream
self.viewerManager?.seak(to: 10.0) { success in

Delegate methods for player status.

func blViewerManager(manager: BLViewerManager, 
                    player: BLPlayerKit, 
                    playerDidChangeDuration duration: TimeInterval) {
        // Refer top to sample app for example
    func blViewerManager(manager: BLViewerManager, 
                        player: BLPlayerKit, 
                        playerDidChangePosition position: TimeInterval) {
        // Refer top to sample app for example

Picture-in-picture (PIP) mode

BeLive SDK supports picture-in-picture mode. Refer to our sample app.

Picture in Picture (PIP) In-App

/// Present a Viewer Controller for PIP mode
BLPIP.shared.present(with: yourViewController)
/// Show PIP
/// Resume
/// Dismiss PIP
BLPIP.shared.dismiss(animation: true)

Picture in Picture (PIP) Out-of-App

/// This feature works only in iOS version 14.2 and above.

/// Show PIP. Call this when app did enter background

/// Hide PIP. Call this when app enters foreground 

Like Stream

Belive SDK supports two like count modes.

Unique like count

This is the default mode. Like count is unique for each viewer per stream.

Non-unique like count

In this mode, the like count is buffered when calling likeStream API, after a short amount of time, the total like count will be pushed to the server. To enable this mode. call disableUniqueLikeCount API. This method should be called when initializing the BeLiveViewerManger.


To check if the current mode is unique or non-unique, call isUniqueLikeCount API:


To get the current buffering like count. call getBufferingLikeCount API. Calling this method in unique like count mode will return 0.


Refer to sample app for more details.

Stream Health Monitoring (Beta)

SDK provides videoBitrate monitoring during stream. It determines the quality of stream and an indication of host’s network conditions. streamStatisticDidUpdate callback returns average bitrate and maxBitRate for broadcaster in BeLiveBroadcasterStreamKitDelegate delegate. Meanwhile, same values are returned in call back method didUpdateStatistic of BeLiveAudienceManagerDelegate delegate. You can compare both values to notify users users of low network. We suggest that bitrate should be atleast 2.5 times of maxBitRate.

See below for all parameters of BLStaticMessage

Statistic Message

/// Every 30s, the app will receive statistic 
/// message with detail information as below, 
/// Viewer can use these infomation to show on UI

 class BLStatisticMessage: BLStreamMessage {
    public var slug: String?        // slug of stream
    public var streamDuration: Int? // duration of stream
    public var totalViewers: Int?   // total viewer of stream
    public var totalLikes: Int?     // total like of stream
    public var totalReceivedStars: Int?  // total star received of stream
    public var gender: Int?                 
    public var isShowLike: Bool?   // enable show like count stream
    public var isShowView: Bool?   // enable show view count of stream
    public var promoCode: String?  // promote code of stream
    public var placingOrderCount: Int?  
    public var cartUrl: String?
    public var bitRate: Int?    // current bitrate of stream

Live Shopping

SDK provides live shopping feature. You can use either add products for a host using CMS or SDK API before starting stream. (We will refer to host as seller). Refer to Live Shopping guide section for more details.

Live Shopping module of BeLive SDK provides following classes and methods and callbacks.

BLProductService : This class works for host/broadcaster only. It provides below utility methods. On viewer side, calling edit products, add products, delete products will return error.

Get product list in pre-live (before stream starts for host)

func getProductsInPreLive() {
        let productService = BeLiveSDK.shared.productService()
        productService.getProducts(nextId: 0, completion: {
            [weak self] result in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            switch result {
                case .ok(data: let products):
                    // promo code
                    // promo code description
                    // total shopping items
                    // shopping items array (default limit : 20)
                case .error(error: let error):
                @unknown default:

Add new product (For Only Host / Seller). Host can add products before starting broadcast.

func getProductsInPreLive() {
        let productService = BeLiveSDK.shared.productService()
        productService.addProduct(name: "name", 
                            price: 100, 
                            promotionPrice: 90, 
                            description: "description", 
                            image: Data(), 
                            url: "url", 
                            sku: "sku", 
                            completion: {
            [weak self] result in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            switch result {
                case .ok(data: let product):
                    // Uploaded product
                case .error(error: let error):
                @unknown default:

Similarly other available APIs are listed below

/// Edit product
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - id: Current product id.
    ///   - name: New product name.
    ///   - price: New product price.
    ///   - promotionPrice: New product promotion price.
    ///   - description: New product description. Optional value
    ///   - image: New product image.
    ///   - url: New product url.
    ///   - sku: New product SKU. Optional value
    ///   - completion: Result of BLStreamProduct.
    public func editProduct(
        id: Int,
        name: String,
        price: Double,
        promotionPrice: Double,
        description: String?,
        image: Data,
        url: String,
        sku: String?,
        completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<BLStreamProduct>) -> Void
/// Delete one product
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - productId: with Product ID
    ///   - completion: Result of Bool
    public func deleteProduct(productId: Int, 
                            completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<Bool>) -> Void)

/// Edit displaying order of a product
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - productId: Id of Product
    ///   - slug: Stream Identifier
    ///   - orderIndex: Order Index
    ///   - completion: Result of Bool
    public func editProductOrder(
        productId: Int,
        slug: String,
        orderIndex: Int,
        completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<Bool>) -> Void

/// Delete all product
    /// - Parameter completion: Result of Bool
    public func deleteAllProduct(completion: @escaping (BLAPIResult<Bool>) -> Void )

BLStreamService.getStreamProductList : This method is used by both host/broadcaster and viewer to fetch product list during live and recorded stream.

func getProductsInStream() {
        let streamService = BeLiveSDK.shared.streamService()
        streamService.getStreamProductList(slug: "stream.slug",
                                           nextId: 20, completion: {
            [weak self] result in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            switch result {
                case .ok(data: let products):
                    // Shopping items array (default limit : 20)
                    // promo code
                    // promo code description
                    // total shopping items
                case .error(error: let error):
                @unknown default:

Live Polling

Belive SDK added a new Polling feature. This increases the viewer engagement and helps host gather feedbacks about products or services. Add polling module to project via Cocoapods:

pod 'BeLiveAudiencePolling', :path => '../framework/BeLiveAudiencePolling'
pod 'BeLiveBroadcasterPolling', :path => '../framework/BeLiveBroadcasterPolling'


Set Polling Delegate:

BeLiveBroadcasterManager.setPollingDelegate(delegate: BeLiveBroadcasterPollingDelegate?)

Below delegate methods will be called when host/broadcaster receives either poll or poll result.

public protocol BeLiveBroadcasterPollingDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, didShowPoll poll: BLPoll)
    func beLiveBroadcasterManager(manager: BeLiveBroadcasterManager, didShowPollResult poll: BLPoll)


Set Polling Delegate:

BeLiveAudienceManager.setPollingDelegate(delegate: BeLiveAudiencePollingDelegate?)

Below delegate methods will be called when host/broadcaster receives either poll or poll result. There is also delegate method for submitting poll as well as error case.

public protocol BeLiveAudiencePollingDelegate : NSObjectProtocol {
    func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didShowPoll poll: BLPoll)
    func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didShowPollResult poll: BLPoll)
    func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didSubmitPoll poll: BLPoll, withOptionId optionId: Int)
    func beLiveAudienceManager(manager: BeLiveAudienceManager, didReceiveError error: Error)

Submit poll:

BeLiveAudienceManager.submitPoll(poll: BeLiveCore.BLPoll, optionId: Int)

Note that submit poll is only available for viewer side.