SDK Guide for Android

The BeLive Android SDK provides the interfaces required to broadcast and playback on Android along with interactive features.

The following operations are supported:

• Set up (initialize) SDK

• Manage live broadcasting.

• Watch live stream

• Watch Recorded stream

• Manage Live Shopping

• Like Stream

• Live Polling

Latest version of Android SDK: 1.0.7

Release Notes

Release - June 7, 2022

  • Add displayName to the login request for the default login type
  • Fixed an issue that was happening when receiving invalid chat messages.

Release - May 20, 2022

  • Upgrade 3rd party libraries
  • Improvements and Bug fixes

Getting Started


  • Android Studio 4 and above
  • Java 8 and above

Install the SDK

To add the BeLive Android SDK library to your Android development environment, add the aar files to lib folder of your module. After that add them in your module’s build.gradle file, as shown here:

Project level build.gradle

repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'

app or module level build.gradle file

Release aar files

    releaseImplementation (name:'belive-host-', ext:'aar')
    releaseImplementation (name:'belive-viewer-', ext:'aar')
    releaseImplementation (name:'belive-core-', ext:'aar')
    releaseImplementation (name:'belive-common-', ext:'aar')
    releaseImplementation (name:'belive-shopping-', ext:'aar')
    releaseImplementation (name:'belive-ui-', ext:'aar')

If you want to use Audience/Viewer only, then you can skip adding belive-host aar file.

BeLive Android SDK uses open source libraries. Add following dependencies to app level build.gradle For detailed explanation about Third party libraries used in SDK, visit Third Party Libraries

    // coroutines : Use for Async tasks
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-android:1.3.6"
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.3.6"

    //dependency injection koin
    api 'org.koin:koin-androidx-scope:2.1.5'
    api 'org.koin:koin-androidx-viewmodel:2.1.5'
    // lifecycle : For lifecycle aware components
    implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-extensions:2.2.0"
    implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.4.0"
    implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.4.0"
    implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx:2.4.0"

    // retrofit : Type safe HTTP client for Android
    implementation "com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0"
    implementation "com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.9.0"
    implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:4.9.0"
    implementation 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho-okhttp3:1.5.1'

    // exoplayer : Required for playback of streams
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.github.rubensousa:previewseekbar:2.0.0'
    implementation 'com.github.rubensousa:previewseekbar-exoplayer:'

    // Image Loading
    implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0'
    kapt 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.11.0'
    // misc : Utility libraries for UI
    implementation ''
    implementation 'androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.1.0'
    implementation 'com.hannesdorfmann:adapterdelegates4-kotlin-dsl:4.2.0'

You can skip libraries which are already added in your build.gradle. In case of any conflict, let us know and our team will check for compatibility with SDK.

Additional settings

SDK requires additional configuration in module’s build.gradle

Obtain license key from business team by providing your package Id. Place license key in app/src/main/assets folder of your app module and name it belive.license Add following variables to app level build.gradle

For sample app we have included belive.licensefile but for integration in your app you must request from us

android {
        def beliveSdkApiDomain = "api_domain"
        def beliveSdkId = "beliveId"
         manifestPlaceholders = [
            beliveSdkApiDomain: beliveSdkApiDomain,
            beliveSdkId       : beliveSdkId

Check sample app for beliveSdkApiDomain

Add following lines in AndrodiManifes.xml before closing <application> tag.

 <!-- belive sdk configuration here-->
            android:value="${beliveSdkApiDomain}" />

            android:value="${beliveSdkId}" />

<!-- end belive sdk configuration here-->

BeLive SDK for Android has plenty of features. By default all features are enabled. You can disable them by using a json file. Create a new file belive-configuration.json in folder app/src/main/assets.

  "features": {
    "watcherList": true,
    "beautyFilter": true,
    "shareButton": true,
    "streamQuality": 1,
    "allowPictureInPicture": true,
    "shoppingCart": true,
    "obs": false

Grant system permissions

BeLive SDK requires system permissions. To grant system permissions such as camera, microphone and others, We have added the following permissions in our aar library. No action is required on your side.

Note : Host requires additional permissions for live stream.

    <!-- Host and Viewer -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

   <!-- Host only -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />

You are all set to start your first live stream!

For more information about permissions, see official guide

Start your first live stream

Step 1 : Initialize SDK

Firstly we need to initialize provider and ImageLoader. The main reason for using external ImageLoader is to use consistent settings of Glide (third party image loading library).

val provider = BeliveSdkInitProvider(this.applicationContext)
provider.initBeLiveSdk(object : BeliveSdkInitProvider.ISDKInitStatus {
            override fun onStatus(status: String, error: BeliveException?) {}
// Uncomment below line with your ImageLoader Implementation
// LbsImageLoaderUtil.registerImageLoader(ImageLoaderImpl())

Next step is to initialize BeLive SDK for Android. There is slight difference between Host login and Viewer Login. Note that host login accounts are pre-generated while viewer accounts can be created using SDK API. Use HostLoginBuilder for SDK initialization and host login.

Host / Broadcaster

    .setInitCallback(object : BeliveSdkInitialization.BeliveSdkInitCallback {
        override fun onFinished(
            status: BeliveInitStatus.Status, 
            message: String?) {
            if (isFinishing || isDestroyed) return
            // Make UI Changes
            when (status) {
                -> {
                    // Invalid username or password
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_LOGIN_FAILED -> {
                            // Show error message
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_SUCCESS -> {
                            // openStreamActivity()

Username and password for host / broadcaster will be provided (Contact business team). Only pre-registered hosts can start live. Use DefaultLoginBuilder for viewer login to link your existing users with BeLive Platform.

Viewer (SSO Login with unique userId and displayName)

    .setInitCallback(object : BeliveSdkInitialization.BeliveSdkInitCallback {
        override fun onFinished(status: BeliveInitStatus.Status, message: String?) {
            // Make UI changes
            when (status) {
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_SUCCESS -> {
                    // Belive SDK is ready!

                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_LOGIN_FAILED -> {
                    // failed to login
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_REGISTER_FAILED -> {
                    // failed to register
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_LOAD_CONFIG_FAILED -> {
                    // load config failed
            else -> { }

SDK also provides Guest Login feature.

Viewer (Guest Login)

    .setInitCallback(object : BeliveSdkInitialization.BeliveSdkInitCallback {
        override fun onFinished(status: BeliveInitStatus.Status, message: String?) {
            // Make UI changes
            when (status) {
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_SUCCESS -> {
                    // Belive SDK is ready!

                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_LOGIN_FAILED -> {
                    // failed to login
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_REGISTER_FAILED -> {
                    // failed to register
                BeliveInitStatus.Status.INITIALIZATION_LOAD_CONFIG_FAILED -> {
                    // load config failed
            else -> { }

Step 2 : Register Stream callbacks and set broadcast config

HostActivity should implement BlsLiveStreamCallback and BlsChatCallback callbacks. BeLive SDK provides helper class BlsLiveStreamManager for managing callbacks and broadcast configuration. Refer to code below:

class HostActivity : FullScreenActivity(R.layout.activity_host),
    BlsChatCallback {

    private lateinit var blsLiveStreamManager: BlsLiveStreamManager
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        blsLiveStreamManager = 
        BlsLiveStreamManager.getInstance(this, cameraPreview).apply {


Broadcast configuration

API Description
Set Frame Per seconds (FPS). We suggest 20 for streamQuality RESOLUTION_SD and 24 for RESOLUTION_HD
setStreamQuality Two available options for Stream Quality are RESOLUTION_SD and RESOLUTION_HD
setKeyFrameInterval For lower end-to-end latency, set keyFrameInterval to 1F.


  • Live Stream Manager class : BlsLiveStreamManager
  • Live Stream Callbacks : BlsLiveStreamCallback
  • Live Chat callbacks : BlsChatCallback

Step 3 : Request Permissions

Your app must request permission to access the user’s camera and mic. (This is not specific to BeLive SDK; it is required for any application that needs access to cameras and microphones.)

Below, we check whether the user has already granted permissions and, if not, ask for them:

    private fun startCameraPreviewWithPermCheck() {
        if (isFinishing || isDestroyed) {
        val cameraPerm: Int =
            ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.CAMERA)
        val audioPerm: Int =
        if (cameraPerm != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED ||
            audioPerm != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
        ) {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
                // No CAMERA or AudioRecord or Storage permission, please check
                // No CAMERA or AudioRecord or Storage permission, please check
            } else {
                val permissions = arrayOf(
        } else {

Step 4 : Start Live Broadcast Session

SDK requires stream title as mandatory field to start stream.


fun startStream(title: String, 
    password: String? = null, 
    isLandscape: Boolean = false, 
    isObs: Boolean) 

How to use

private fun goLive(title: String) {

        blsLiveStreamManager.startStream(title, pass, landscapeMode, isObs)

At this moment, SDK supports only portrait stream so landscapeMode will be always 0. BeLive SDK for Android supports streaming with professional broadcasting Software such as OBS. Set isObs parameter to true if you wish to get stream key and stream from broadcasting software.

Following callbacks will be triggered if start stream is successful

  override fun onStreamCreated(slug: String) {
        // Stream created
   override fun onStartStreamSuccess(slug: String) {
       // We suggest to keep screen ON for continuous streaming

In case of error, SDK will throw error callback

override fun onStartStreamError(code: Int, message: String) {
        // Error message and code

At the same time, host is connected to live chat channel. Refer to below BlsChatCallback callback.

if success, the [code] will be [], otherwise it will be [].ERR_CODE_JOIN_CHANNEL_XYZ with XYZ is the error type

    override fun onJoinChannelResult(code: Int) {
        Log.i(TAG, "onJoinChannelResult $code")

Important: All calls to the BeLive SDK for Android must be made on the thread on which the SDK is instantiated. A call from a different thread will cause the SDK to not work as expected

Step 5 : Stop Live Broadcast Session


fun closeLiveStream()


 private fun onCloseStreamButtonClicked() {

You will get one of the following BlsLiveStreamCallback callbacks

 override fun onEndStreamSuccess(endReason: Int, 
                                 slug: String, 
                                 statistics: BlsLiveStreamStatistics) {
 // show end stream UI 
override fun onEndStreamError(endReason: Int, 
                                code: Int, 
                                message: String)

Step 6 : Save Stream

Here you can show save stream screen for giving option to users to save live stream. Use following method for saving stream.


fun saveStream()


btnSaveStream.setOnClickListener { blsLiveStreamManager.saveStream() }

You will get one of the following BlsLiveStreamCallback callbacks

override fun onSaveStreamSuccess() {}
override fun onSaveStreamError(code: Int, message: String) {}

You can release broadcast session by using below code:


BeLive SDK provides many interactive feature. In next few steps, we are going to list down additional interactions that are possible with SDK APIs

Step 7 : Send and Receive Chat message

BeLive SDK provides ability to live chat. Refer to following API for sending live chat message.

fun sendMessage(message: String)

Following BlsChatCallback callback method is called when host receives new chat message from other viewers.

Return true to consume this message. False to let the library continue handling.

// Called when receiving a message.
fun onReceivedMessage(chatMessage: ChatMessage): Boolean

Following BlsChatCallback callback method is called when new chat message is sent from other viewers.

if success, the [errorCode] will be [], otherwise it will be [].ERR_CODE_SEND_MSG_XYZ with XYZ is the error type

// Notify the send message result.
fun onSendMessageResult(chatMessage: ChatMessage, errorCode: Int)

Step 8 : Receive statistics update

BeLive SDK updates view counts and like counts every 30 seconds.

Refer to following BlsLiveStreamCallback callbacks for receiving updates.

override fun onStatistics(statistics: BlsLiveStreamStatistics) {
       // update view count
       // update like count
override fun onDuration(duration: Long)  {
 // Duration of live stream

Step 9 : Start OBS Stream (Optional)

BeLive SDK provides an option to start stream using professional broadcasting softwares such as OBS, Wirecast, Vmix etc.

fun startObs()

You can set isOBS = true in startStream() method. A unique slug key will be generated and propagated back to SDK in following BlsLiveStreamCallback callback method.

fun onObsCreated(slug: String) {
     // Get slug here.
     // After starting stream using OBS, make sure that you call following API

For more details, check HostActivity in sample app. You can find default dialog implementation for OBS stream flow.

Utility Methods

Switch Camera

Use following method to switch between front and back camera.


You can check camera orientation (Front or Back) by using below helper method


Default camera is front camera.

Enable beautyfilter

Enable or disable beauty filter using following methods


You can check whether beauty filter is enabled by using below boolean

var isBeautyEnable =  blsLiveStreamManager.isBeautyFilterOn()

Watch your first live stream

Summary of the classes for Viewer:

  • View/Watch Stream Manager class : BlsLiveStreamViewerManager
  • View/Watch Stream Callbacks : BlsLiveStreamViewerCallback
  • Live Chat callbacks : BlsChatCallback
  • Player Listener : BlsPlaybackControls.BlsPlaybackListeners

Refer to Initialize SDK (Viewer) section for initializing and create a session with BeLive API before proceeding to next step

Step 1 : Register Stream callbacks

Initialize BlsLiveStreamViewerManager class. Refer to following code in onCreate() method of ViewerActivity in sample app.

class ViewerActivity : FullScreenActivity(R.layout.activity_viewer), 
    BlsPlaybackControls.BlsPlaybackListeners {

    private lateinit var blsLiveStreamViewerManager: BlsLiveStreamViewerManager

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        blsLiveStreamViewerManager =
            BlsLiveStreamViewerManager.getInstance(this, belivePlayer).apply {

Note that belivePlayer is the player view which should be defined in layout:


STEP 2 : Join Stream with slug

To join stream, you need unique stream slug which is generated for each stream. Refer to below API for joining stream

Refer to following method for joining stream with slug:

fun joinStreamWithSlug(slug: String)

Refer to following BlsLiveStreamViewerCallback callbacks if error occurs during join process:

fun onJoinLiveError(code: Int, message: String?)

Refer to following BlsLiveStreamViewerCallback callbacks for joining live or recorded stream successfully.

override fun onFirstFrameLoaded() {
    // First video frame is loaded
    // Update UI
override fun onStartWatching(hostInfo: HostInfo, 
                                    isLiveMode: Boolean) {
    // isLiveMode parameter: whether playing a live (true) or playback (false)
    // Start watching live or recorded video

At the same time, viewer is connected to live chat channel. Refer to below BlsChatCallback callback.

  • if success, the [code] will be [], otherwise it will be [].ERR_CODE_JOIN_CHANNEL_XYZ with XYZ is the error type
// Notify the joining channel result.
fun onJoinChannelResult(code: Int) { // show chat UI if success }

Step 3 : Leave Stream


fun leaveStream()

Refer to following code for leaving stream. You can find sample code in ViewerActivity

private fun leaveStream() {

You can release viewer session by using below code:


Step 4 : Send Chat message

BeLive SDK provides ability to live chat. Refer to following API for sending live chat message.

fun sendMessage(message: String)

Following BlsChatCallback callback method is called when viewer receives new chat message from other viewers.

Return true to consume this message. False to let the library continue handling.

// Called when receiving a message.
fun onReceivedMessage(chatMessage: ChatMessage): Boolean

Following BlsChatCallback callback method is called when new chat message is sent from other viewers.

if success, the [errorCode] will be [], otherwise it will be [].ERR_CODE_SEND_MSG_XYZ with XYZ is the error type

// Notify the send message result.
fun onSendMessageResult(chatMessage: ChatMessage, errorCode: Int)

Step 5 : Receive statistics update

BeLive SDK updates view counts and like counts every 20~30 seconds.

Refer to folowing BlsLiveStreamViewerCallback callback for receiving updates.

fun onStatistics(statistics: BlsLiveStreamStatistics) {
       // update view count
       // update like count

For recorded video playback, there will be additional callbacks from player to update video progress

override fun onVideoProgress(currentMls: Long, 
                                s: Int, 
                                duration: Long, 
                                percent: Int) {
        //update the progress here
        blsPlaybackControl.updatePlaybackProgress(currentMls, duration, percent)

Step 6 : Handle Stream ended by Host

In case live stream is ended by host, viewer will receive following BlsLiveStreamViewerCallback callbacks.

fun onStreamEnded(reason: Int) { 
// handle visibilty of blsEndStreamViewerScreen 

Step 7 : Recorded video playback

Refer to following BlsPlaybackControls.BlsPlaybackListeners callbacks for recorded video playback. stream.status for recorded streams will be 2 and isRecorded field will be true .

Note that play, pause, and seekbar buttons are not available in Live stream mode

interface BlsPlaybackListeners{
     fun onPlayButtonClicked()
     fun onPauseButtonClicked()
     fun onSeekBarStartTracking()
     fun onSeekBarStopTracking(percent: Int, isBackWard: Boolean)

Refer to following BlsLiveStreamViewerCallback callbacks for recorded video playback.

fun onVideoProgress(currentMls: Long, s: Int, duration: Long, percent: Int)
fun updatePlaybackBuffered(bufferedPercentage: Int)

Example code for how to handle above callbacks is provided in ViewerActivity sample.

Picture-in-picture (PIP) mode

BeLive SDK supports picture-in-picture mode.

Note : Picture-in-picture mode is supported on Android 8.0 (API level 26) and above. Reference

To enable picture-in-picture (pip) model set "allowPictureInPicture": true in belive-configuration.json file.

1. Declare in AndroidManifest

Add following under ViewerActivity tag


2. Request PIP permissions

Refer to following code for entering PIP Code. Sample code is provided in ViewerActivity

private fun requestPip() {
    val hasPipPermission =  blsLiveStreamViewerManager.hasPipPermission()
    Log.d(TAG, "has pip permission = $hasPipPermission, ")
    if (!hasPipPermission){

3. Handle Activity’s onPictureInPictureModeChanged method

override fun onPictureInPictureModeChanged(
        isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean,
        newConfig: Configuration?
    ) {
        if (isInPictureInPictureMode) {
            // Hide the full-screen UI (controls, etc.) 
            // while in picture-in-picture mode.
        } else {
            // Restore the full-screen UI.
        isPipMode = isInPictureInPictureMode

Like Stream

Belive SDK supports two like count modes.

Unique like count

This is the default mode. Like count is unique for each viewer per stream.

Non-unique like count

In this mode, the like count is buffered when calling likeStream API, after a short amount of time, the total like count will be pushed to the server. To enable this mode. call disableUniqueLikeCount API. This method should be called when initializing the Viewer Manager.


To check if the current mode is unique or non-unique, call isUniqueLikeCount API:


To get the current buffering like count. call getBufferingLikeCount API. Calling this method in unique like count mode will return 0.


Refer to sample app for more details.

Stream Health Monitoring (Beta)

SDK provides videoBitrate monitoring during stream. It determines the quality of stream and an indication of host’s network conditions. onStatistics callback returns average bitrate with parameter actualBitrate and max bitrate with parameter maxBitRate. You can compare both values to notify users users of low network. We suggest that actualBitrate should be atleast 2.5 times of maxBitRate.

data class BlsLiveStreamStatistics(
    val viewCount: Int = 0,
    val likeCount: Int = 0,
    val duration: Long = 0,
     * The max bitrate which is set to the stream.
     * This value is used as a hint to the streamer 
     * and it is not warranty that the actual bitrate 
     * always be limited by this value.
     * It means the actual bitrate and uploadBitrate might 
     * be greater than this max bitrate
    val maxBitRate: Int = 0,
     * The actual bitrate that is calculated by the server
    val actualBitRate: Int = 0,
     * The current bitrate that is calculated by the streamer
    val uploadBitRate: Int = 0,

Live Shopping

SDK provides live shopping feature. You can use either add products for a host using CMS or SDK API before starting stream. (We will refer to host as seller). Refer to Live Shopping guide section for more details.

Live Shopping module of BeLive SDK provides following classes, methods and callbacks.

BlsLiveShoppingManager. This class works for both host/broadcast and viewer. But on viewer side, calling edit products, add products, delete products will return error (INVALID_DATA)

This liveshopping module provides single callback interface to listen for any changes related to the products.


interface BlsLiveShoppingCallback {
  fun onProductListResult(productListResultData: ProductListResultData)
  fun onUpdateProductResult(updateProductResultData: UpdateProductResultData)
  fun onDeleteProductResult(deleteProductResultData: DeleteProductResultData)
  fun onAddProductResult(addProductResultData: AddProductResultData)
  fun onPromoCodeUpdated(promoCodeData: PromoCodeData)
  fun onUpdatePromoCodeResult(updatePromoCodeResultData: UpdatePromoCodeResultData)
  fun onLiveShoppingError(errorInfo: ErrorInfo)

The BlsLiveShoppingManager class provides these api to manage products.

Get product list in pre-live (before stream starts for host) and during live/recorded stream

fun getProducts(getProductRequest: GetProductRequest)
class GetProductRequest {
    var slug: String? = null 
    var pageIndex: Int = 0
    var limit: Int = BasePagingRequestModel.DEF_LIMIT_PER_PAGE
   slug: the stream slug. If null it will returns products that are set to the 
   current logged in user (host/broadcaster). otherwise, the returned products 
   are stream products.
   pageIndex: The page index to load the corresponding products
   limit: Limit the products per page (default is 20)
   Callback: BlsLiveShoppingCallback.onProductListResult(..). 
    The productListResultData contains error if the action is failed. 
    otherwise it contains product list

Add new product (For Only Host / Seller)

fun addProduct(addProductRequest: AddProductRequest)
data class AddProductRequest(
    val name: String,
    val price: Double,
    val description: String,
    val promotionPrice: Double,
    val sku: String,
    val url: String,
    val imageFile: Uri? = null,
Callback: BlsLiveShoppingCallback.onAddProductResult(..)

Edit product (For Only Host / Seller)

fun editProducteditProduct(editProductRequest: EditProductRequest)
data class EditProductRequest(
    val product: ProductModel,
    val newName: String,
    val newPrice: Double,
    val newDescription: String,
    val newPromotionPrice: Double,
    val newSku: String,
    val newUrl: String,
    val newImageFile: Uri? = null,
    val newOrderIndex: Int,
Callback: BlsLiveShoppingCallback.onUpdateProductResult with 

Update product Order (For Only Host / Seller)

fun updateProductOrder(updateProductOrderRequest: UpdateProductOrderRequest)
data class UpdateProductOrderRequest(
    val product: ProductModel,
    val slug: String? = null,
    val newIndex: Int = 0,

Callback: BlsLiveShoppingCallback.onUpdateProductResult with 

Delete (deactivate) product (For Only Host / Seller)

fun deleteProduct(deleteProductRequest: DeleteProductRequest)
data class DeleteProductRequest(
    val product: ProductModel,

Callback: BlsLiveShoppingCallback.onDeleteProductResult(..)

Delete (deactivate) all products (For Only Host / Seller)

fun deleteAllProduct(deleteAllProductRequest: DeleteAllProductRequest)
class DeleteAllProductRequest()

Callback: BlsLiveShoppingCallback.onDeleteProductResult with 
                DeleteProductResultData.isDeleteAll = true

Edit Promo code before starting live stream (For Only Host / Seller)

Note : During live stream, we cannot edit promo code from Android SDK. It should be done using CMS

fun editPromoCode(editPromoRequest: EditPromoCodeRequest)
data class EditPromoCodeRequest(
    val promoCode: String,
    val promoDesc: String,

Callback: BlsLiveShoppingCallback.onUpdatePromoCodeResult

Other callbacks:

fun onLiveShoppingError(errorInfo: ErrorInfo)

/* This callback is triggered when the promo code is updated 
* (it might trigger many times). Because the promo 
* code might depend on a stream, you must attach it with 
* a BlsBaseStreamManager for this callback to be triggered correctly,
fun onPromoCodeUpdated(promoCodeData: PromoCodeData)

Live Polling

Belive SDK 1.2.0 added a new Polling feature. This increases the viewer engagement and helps host gather feedbacks about products or services. The Polling feature is added as an external Belive Module belive-polling.

Update your app’s build.gradle to include the new belive-polling module.

implementation (name:'belive-polling-release', ext:'aar')

To start listening to the Polling event changes. Create a new BlsPollingManager object and set a Polling callback to it. After that, attach that newly created Polling Manager to a BlsLiveStreamManager (host side) or BlsLiveStreamViewerManager (viewer side).

// this refers to an activity or a fragment
val pollingManager = BlsPollingManager(this)

The BlsPollingCallback provides 4 methods to implementation.

onPollReceived(poll: PollModel) : Triggered to notify a poll is in active status. For record stream, this method might be triggered if there is a poll during it’s live version.

onPollResult(poll: PollModel) : Triggered to notify a poll is in completed (ended). The param poll now will contain the poll result. For record stream, this method might be triggered if there is a poll during it’s live version.

onAnswerSubmitted(poll: PollModel, optionId: Int) : Triggered to notify the poll request has been submitted successfully.

onPollError(code: Int, message: String) : Triggered when an error happen during poll actions. The Error codes might be one of the following codes: ApiResponseCode.AUTHORIZATION_HAS_BEEN_DENIED (401), BlsErrorCode.INVALID_STATE], BlsErrorCode.INVALID_PARAM, BlsErrorCode.UNSTABLE_NETWORK and other codes with ERROR_CODE_POLL_ prefix.

The BlsPollingManager provides some APIs to interact with the Polling but you should only take care of the submitPollAnswer API.

submitPollAnswer(pollModel: PollModel, optionId: Int) : The optionId must be one of these value: PollModel.OPTION_ID_1, PollModel.OPTION_ID_2, PollModel.OPTION_ID_3 Tips: The PollModel provides an ultility method getOptionsAsList() which returns a list of PollModel.Option with their IDs filled already.

Find more details in Android sample app.